Welcome to our new exchange directory

Listings details

Hello everyone! As you can see, we have changed the look of our community site (or exchange as we would like to call it from now on). The reason why this has been done is to allow you - customers and partners alike - to actively contribute to our growing community. Now you can upload packages, plugins and other extensions that you would have come up with over the course of your use of our products.

To add a listing (plugin etc.) click on the add listing link on the left hand menu and proceed to fill out the necessary details. Once you send this to us, we will approve the listing and publish it in the appropriate category.

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Featured Projects from op5

1. Merlin    Merlin
    Category: op5 Projects
    Hits: 2367
    Created: 2010-06-18
    Source: op5.org/op5media/op5.org/downloads/merlin-0.9.0.tar.gz

2. Ninja    Ninja
    Category: op5 Projects
    Hits: 3966
    Created: 2010-06-21
    Source: op5.org/op5media/op5.org/downloads/ninja-1.1.0.tar.gz

3. op5 Plugins    op5 Plugins
    Category: op5 Projects
    Hits: 1998
    Created: 2010-07-22